I'd heard about these foot treatments where little fishes nicknamed "Dr Fish" nibble at your tootsies and eat all the dead skin, it seems to be the latest craze.
I LOVE these little fishes. I wish I had taken a before and after photo. My feet were proper crusty before the treatment and they were so soft and lovely after they nibbled at me. Even my toenails look nicer. Its weird as well, when I was walking home afterwards I felt really floaty and relaxed, was lovely. Im going to try to go once a month as a treat, its fairly affordable at just £13 for 15 minutes although our 15 minutes soon turned into half an hour. I usually hate getting my feet out but after that, I never wanted to wear shoes again. Its a shame its still winter boots weather.
You can also have your hands done too and Ive heard rumours you can have your whole body done although I think thatd be a bit weird.
Everyones been asking me what it felt like. Honestly? It felt like little bubbles underneath my feet, similar to the feel of a foot spa. Although there was one slightly bigger fishy and I could feel him nibbling away which was a bit distracting. Those little guys did a good job though. Is it a craze? I hope not because I am hooked (I know theres a joke in there somewhere). Also dont worry about squishing the fish with your feet, they scatter as soon as theres any movement then swarm around your feet once theyre still. Highly recommended.
Here are the facts about "Dr Fish" or Garra Rufa fish copied from the spa balik website which is where we went:
"Our dead skin cells may sound like an unappetising diet, but for fish that thrive in hot water up to 43 degrees centigrade, where nothing of much nutritional value can survive, a bather dipping in a toe is a welcome feast. In an unusual reversal of the food chain, the fish spa treatment is mutually beneficial to you and the fish. They feed while you have your skin exfoliated. It is believed that Garra Rufa fish secrete an enzyme, diathanol that improves skin regeneration.
It is also claimed these marvellous little fish can also stimulate acupuncture points helping to regulate the nervous system, relax the body and release tension. Your blood circulation and flow is also greatly increased during the treatment.
Their suction-cup mouths are perfectly shaped for gently lifting dry skin away, without damaging the healthy new cells underneath - revealing soft, supple and smooth skin for you. More importantly, fish therapy is a completely painless process. Most people find it pleasurable, a tickling, almost tingling sensation something akin to a light massage."
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